Statement on behalf o' the Nine County Saverignty Committee.
We the Army Council o' the Nine County Saverignty Committee, call fur the immediete withdrawal o' Free State troops frae the occupied counties o' Danegal, Managhan, an' Cavan. Fur tae long the folk o' these counties hiv bin mauled by the so-called Celtic Tiger, forced fur til buy bainne insteid o' milk, get stuck in traffic when themuns go til church, an' go to the swings on a Sunday. We reject the demands o' constitutional unionists, the pratestant churches an' the Orange Order demandin' that we fally exclusively peaceful means, an' are lukkin' intil gettin' a gun. Wullie Jameson reckons he has a few auld ones stuck somewhere in his rafters an' he'll loan us them fur a bit..
Ulster Scots livin' in the three counties who turn traiter til the cause, by atin' the wrang surt o' Tayto, drivin' Opels instied o' Vauxhalls oor buyin the Irish editions o' the papers, will be regarded as legitimate targets. It is fur us til decide where the border shud be, based oan a romantic 19th century view o' nationhood, nat the democratic process, so yousuns can all get til feck.
We alsae reject the Queen's visit til the Free State, fur she has nae business goin' there. She is oor Queen. an' she'd be better aff goin' til the Twelfth.
God Save the Queen.
The Nine County Saverignty Committee.
There ye hiv it. Ah attempted fur til get a statement frae a source close to the security forces, but a dinnae know their nummer.